Ajoutez votre description de produit qui sera utile pour vos clients. Ajoutez les propriétés exclusives de votre produit qui inciteront les clients à vouloir l'acheter. Écrivez votre propre texte et style dans les propriétés de magasin sur l'onglet étiquette.
Style and quality
Sustainable Viticulture
Some winemakers will make the choice to promote their wines and to boost their sales thanks to the use of specific labels testifying the way they manage the vineyards, but others prefer avoiding the extra costs that the rulebooks and certification systems will involve.
The winemaker’s sense and his know-how, combined to respectful cultivation methods are enough to those who simply trust in the skills of passionated wine professionals.
Jérôme GOUIN, always keeps in mind that a healthy environment is absolutely necessary to grow quality grapes. He knows that only perfect grapes will eventally be vinified into high quality wines with style, elegance and personality. Therfore he avoids the use of chemicals in his vineyard and prefers the use of natural fertilizers. For him, gently plouging the soils and looking for an optimal canopy management is the norm, because this is the way the vines will express the best of their terroir.